I’m Convinced The DCU Batman Movie Has 2 Prequels Based On The Newest DC Announcements

The development of Batman: The Brave and the Bold has faced some scrutiny lately, although I believe that the DC Universe film is a priority for the studio and is actually being setup with two separate spinoffs. Following recent speculation that the upcoming film would star Robert Pattison as Batman, this no longer appears likely to be the case. Creature Commandos recently revealed an older, established Batman with an enormous frame that looks nothing like Pattinson. Following this, it appears that the DCU will receive a new actor for the role.
What has many of us bothered is that this film should be a priority for the studio, yet it does not appear to be in active development. However, after taking a first look at Gotham City and expanding the world of the DCU, I am less worried, recognizing that the studio is seemingly looking to pursue a different tactic. Rather than launching their Batman fully formed, it appears likely that the studio is developing several films that will set up the Batman character rather than to debut him in his own film.
DC's Clayface And Bane & Deathstroke Movies Could Make Perfect DCU Batman Movie Prequels The Two DCU Villain Spinoffs Look Set To Release Before The Batman Film Close The world of Batman is beginning to come into focus in the DCU. The studio has recently announced two separate projects that expand the scope of Batman"s universe. The first of these is an untitled film starring Bane and Deathstroke. Many have speculated that this project could feature a number of villains, similar to The Suicide Squad, and be a Secret Six project. This is all speculation, but the pairing of Bane and Deathstroke in a film could be very interesting for Batman in the DCU.
Other than this, DC has confirmed that they are making a Clayface movie set in the DCU. The film is set to be released in 2026, and is written by celebrated horror director Mike Flanagan. This will be the first time Clayface has been explored in a live-action film, and could help to launch the darkly fantastical side of the DCU. With this character being another iconic Batman villain, it seems likely that the roster of Batman villains will build up before giving The Dark Knight his own story in this universe.
Why Giving The Brave And The Bold 2 Prequel Movies Could Be Perfect It Will Be Some Time Before The Pre-Existing Batman Franchise Is Finished Close Batman is an incredibly popular character, and is among the most important for the franchise to get right. It is important that the project not be rushed, and also that the filmmakers be given the room to do something original with the character. This is difficult with a concurrent The Batman franchise, the very existence of which is limiting on what the studio can do with their film. However, expanding the world that he lives in, and the characters that inhabit it, could be a smart move in the meanwhile.
It is difficult to figure out how to do Batman right. While for some time it seemed that the character"s box office potential was unlimited, this came crashing down with the failure of The Flash. I love the movie, but there is no denying The Flash was a failure, something no one expected after multiple Batman actors joined its cast. It does not appear that audiences are interested in seeing multiple different Batmans, and are instead looking for one definitive actor to play the role at a time.
DCU Batman Movie Prequels Would Explain Why The Brave & The Bold Doesn't Yet Have A Release Date The New Batman Film Is Likely Still A Long Way Away Close With Matt Reeves making The Batman Part II, and with that film being delayed to 2027, it will be some time before the DCU has a good opportunity to make a film starring another Batman. I would argue the Reeves run should end before the DCU tries to make their own. However, one way to get around that in the meanwhile would be to build up the world of the character with these spinoffs instead. Venom showed that it is possible to build a disconnected, villain-centric franchise around the idea of the hero, and this could be a strong template.
I believe that The Brave and the Bold is still many years away. I would guess that 2028 is the earliest that the film could be released, although I would expect it would be even later than that. As the DCU looks to solidify its plans, they also await the release of Superman. So many films in the universe are dependent on the success of that film. If it is beloved, I do believe that we will hear about not just The Brave and the Bold, but of more concrete plans for the larger universe, shortly after.

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