Scott Eastwood never came back for Suicide Squad 2 to play his mystery DC character, the door is still open for the actor to join James Gunn"s DC Universe in his dream DC role. Eastwood is the
son of one of the most influential actors and filmmakers in history, Clint Eastwood. The actor has appeared in quite a few action films over the years, showing his prowess in the genre. However, Scott Eastwood has so far not been called by Gunn to join the DCU"s Chapter One, even though he was already at DC previously.
Eastwood was part of director David Ayer"s Suicide Squad. The 2016 movie saw the actor play Lieutenant GQ Edwards. The character was
Rick Flag"s right-hand man during the Suicide Squad"s mission in Midway City. Interestingly, the fate of Eastwood"s DC character seemed to be set in stone at the end of the movie. In order to take down Incubus, Edwards set up a major explosion that seemingly took out not only the villain, but also El Diablo and Edwards himself. However, a new update has given new context to Eastwood"s DC fate and how his dream DCU canon character is still possible.
Scott Eastwood Was Meant To Play A New Character In Suicide Squad 2 DC Could Have Been Hiding A Better Role For The Star
While it seemed like Eastwood"s time in the DCEU ended with his first movie, that was not originally the plan. Speaking to ScreenRant, Scott Eastwood revealed he was meant to play a mystery role in Suicide Squad 2. The actor was supposed to come back for director David Ayer"s sequel, but since that film never happened and
DC chose to move forward with James Gunn"s The Suicide Squad, the plans to have Eastwood come back were abandoned. According to the DCEU actor, he would have taken on a new character.