I Can’t Believe The DCU Is Set To Tell Me The Superhero Story I Always Wanted From The MCU

The two biggest superhero movie studios in Hollywood have worked hard to create distinct brand identities of their own, and I must admit I am shocked that the DC Universe is finally making the movie I always hoped Marvel would make. While the new DCEU has only released Creature Commandos so far, there are many upcoming DC movies revealed, giving a good look at the direction by the studio. However, one of their recently announced projects seems unusual, even within a diversified roster.
Marvel has mostly set a consistent tone across its projects, and some have thought that this has been an MCU problem, although I"d argue it has been a strength. DC, however, has tended to diversify more. With some of the weirdest DC TV crossovers and films as strange as Todd Phillips" Joker in their roster, it is clear that DC is willing to take more, or at least bigger, risks. Still, even with this in mind, this upcoming DC movie is something I hoped for from Disney and Marvel rather than Warner Bros. and DC.
The DCEU & The MCU Have Come Very Close To Superhero War Movies, But Never Quite Crossed The Line Wonder Woman And The First Avenger Are Two Great Examples Close The execution of a superhero war movie is something that has nearly occurred in several projects from the major studios, but has never quite happened. The original Captain America: The First Avenger is among the closest of these, which spent a great deal of time following Steve Rogers as he gained his powers and became the titular hero. However, the film"s focus was put too heavily on his superpowered character and powers, and generally only borrowed details from the war movie genre rather than being one itself.
Wonder Woman was similar to this. While Steve Trevor was a pilot, and while there was even a memorable scene of trench warfare, the conflict of the war itself felt ancillary to the film"s plot. Rather than being a superhero war movie, the film was a superhero movie about clashing gods, set while a war was occurring. While both of these films are excellent installments in their respective franchises, I"ve always wanted to see a more authentic war film that had superheroes in it.
The DC Universe Has Promised A Genuine Superhero War Movie Is On The Horizon Sgt. Rock Is In The Early Stages Of Production Close A Sgt. Rock movie has been confirmed by DC Studios, and was previously rumored to feature Daniel Craig in the titular role, although it seems unlikely that this casting will actually occur. Still, the film is moving forward, and will focus on the titular Sgt. Rock, who has been seen in DC Comics as a leader in times of military warfare. Rock"s stories have been set during World War II, although it is unclear if this is what is intended for the new film, or if there will be changes to the setting.
Either way, Sgt. Rock will be a war movie, as was confirmed during a recent press event by DC Studios co-CEO Peter Safran. He described the film as "a really compelling story about heroism in a time of armed conflict," before confirming that it was indeed going to be a war film, a new genre for superhero storytelling. The promise of the film, within a fantastical world filled with DC dream castings, is something I can"t wait to see realized.
Why I Think A War Movie Has Immense Potential For The Superhero Genre The Idea Of How War Functions In A World Filled With Powers Is Compelling Close Even if Sgt. Rock is set in the 1940s, long before Superman and Batman came around, the film is still set in a world filled with superpowered abilities. Examining what power and subjugation look like from the perspective of a soldier at war is such an interesting prospect. Sgt. Rock himself does not traditionally have superpowers, suggesting that the new film will actually see its lead as a human being, caught between the horrors of war and facing outsized threats.
The violence in the new DC Universe suggests the direction that the new film will follow. Using large-scale warfare and capturing the horrors of war on screen is something that has not been seen in a superhero movie without at least some detachment. With the titular character set to be a human without powers, caught in the midst of a battle and facing a much larger, more powerful world, the film can do something uniquely immersive and captivating.

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